Friday, April 5, 2013


"Evolving" spiritually tends to be a gradual process on planet earth. However, depending on what the ears hear and the mind is fed, could very well expedite the process.

From an early age - if children are raised with
principles of love, kindness, caring and charity, putting the "ethics" into practice becomes second nature.  However, as children grow and experience life, they encounter experiences that test their ethics.

There’s no guarantee that a maturing child that has been taught positive principles, will respond with positive "reaction" when their ethics are met with opposition.

Human beings confront "opposition" in their lives - daily. It’s how we approach and respond to situations that reflect where we are in our spiritual evolution; whether we look in the mirror or not, we carry our inner house around with us; we experience our inner emotions.

"Self actualization" develops as our ethics are challenged by the opposition in the world. The tests we encounter impact the core of our inner being; causing us to question our character. Howbeit, the question remains: can human beings become benevolent beings by our own initiative?

Can we change our heart to "cause and effect" situations in a manner that creates a lucrative outcome for all parties involved; an outcome that leaves the initiator pleased with their inner emotions? Or, does it take a higher power other than "human nature" to supersede taught values, ethics and our natural heart?

In the Bible 1st Corinthians 13 states that Love overcomes all things… (racism, prejudice, hate, envy, jealousy) it goes on to state that love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.

I ask you, "are we Love?" Do we have the power to
overcome all things by human accord?
By our own accord -- are we spiritually evolving?

Or does it take hearing and being fed a higher level of consciousness by a benevolent God in order for spiritual evolution to take place?

It’s your choice however, I encourage you to read 1st Corinthians 13:1-13 and decide for yourself whether or not you believe yourself to already be the embodiment of the knowledge before you, or whether you need a higher power to transform you to become the embodiment of the knowledge!


Picture by Jana Svojsova

Written by Betty Alark


  1. fascinating subject--my daughter and i were talking about the word evolution last night and how the salon she works at is called "evolutions salon"---meaning the evolving hair styles we have :)

  2. Thanks, Lynn!

    Yes they too are evolving!

    Have a great day!

  3. As a child of the 1950s, I recall when the very word "evolution" raised hackles of righteous indignation!

    This was an excellent post. I hope to be always evolving, as I strive to be more Christ-like.

  4. Thank you Susan and Amen!

    Thanks for the comments!

    Hope you are enjoying the challenge!

  5. Like Susan, I remember the indignation in the 1950s and even the 1960s when mention of the word "evolution" or something akin to it came up in conversation. However, if we stop evolving, we stop growing. And growing in love is what will make a difference in all life's situations. Great post! Keep up the good writing and messages.

    Sherrey at Healing by Writing

  6. Thank you for you compliments and comments!

    Yes, growing in Love will make the difference!

    Hope your are enjoying the challenge!

  7. Good food for thought, Betty! Only God can truly change us from within. I'm blogging on a similar topic, using Les Misérables as a base. Happy A to Z...enjoy the Challenge!


    1. Thanks you Jarm Del Boccio! Yes I agree

      On my way over to your blog!

  8. I love the image and yes I believe we are capable of changing our hearts, I'm not sure there is one method that will work for everyone, but accessing our higher/inner selves is a step in the right direction.

  9. Thank you Ida for you comments!

    Hope you are enjoying the A-Z Challenge!!

  10. Happy A-Z Challenge! A very thought-provoking post. Hope you can stop by my blog at


  11. Thank you Ros! Sure be right over!

    Happy A-Z to you also!

  12. I, too, pray that I am evolving to be more Christ like. Hopping over from A - Z :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
