Monday, April 15, 2013


I found one definition for a muse, which piqued my curiosity - “one of the nine Greek goddesses of the arts.” Sound’s intriguing doesn’t it?

The dictionary provides an understanding of words which in turn promotes thought, vision, imagination, consideration, and reflection; all utilized to bring together a self-generated idea, vision or masterpiece.

Musing on the other hand, is comparable to receiving extraordinary clarity, inspiration, motivation or revelation of higher consciousness, without the use of a dictionary or self-initiating thought that creates the masterpiece!  In other words -- the masterpiece comes together as a result of what was given.

Receiving insight from a muse or guide can be described as having 
an invisible communicator providing what is needed at the opportune time. The incoming reception from muses accelerates what might have normally taken weeks or months to put together on one's own; it transforms our creative endeavours such as music, art, writing and the like!

Aside from our own God-given ingenuity, muses have been 
responsible for moulding and shaping perception, thought and ideas; similar to how a parent might guide a child, however of a higher nature.

Very often during my childhood, guides or muses provided 
the inspiration that edified my spirit during idle moments. The guidance was never equated as my own thought processes producing what was being received; it was deemed as arriving from somewhere or someone aside from my own faculties.

Depending on the events taking place in our lives, musing can occur spontaneously, in a trance-like state, during sleep, upon reflecting, praying, crying out in moments of despair, dying, depression, reminiscing, or deep thought.

Exactly where the revelation of a higher consciousness originates has not been exclusively understood.

They're human beings that believe in God and give God that glory; other sources determine - musing as coming from our higher self, our higher consciousness, the universe etc.

Assessing revelation and inspiration as coming from a source separate from our selves renders implications; are we connecting with our higher self or higher consciousness?  Are we tapping into a higher reservoir of our own creativity?  Are God and the Holy Spirit the source? Or, is the revelation and inspiration coming from an unknown designation that our consciousness doesn’t permit us to understand or witness as a result of our consciousness not being raised to a heightened level at present.

I sometimes wonder if our evolutionary status would be on the level that it is today without muses and guides directing us throughout history; my the conclusion is, certainly not.

When the time is right for humankind to receive knowledge wisdom and understanding of higher consciousness  - muses and guides creatively channel into our thought processes.

So what does musing have to do with "Self-actualization" and 

Muses provide a level of revelation that transforms; when 
transformation takes place we become more than we were prior to the transformation; bringing us closer to the knowledge of knowing ourselves and who our muses or guides are!

What's your thought on musing? Muses and guides?


light of grace bgr

Written by Betty Alark
Picutre by Light of grace B.R.G


  1. I am not sure what my muse does for me, but when I let my mind wander and turn it over to my muse, I somehow, manage to write my way out of any block.

    Hi, I am your newest follower from the A to Z challenge. I am number 528 on the list.

  2. Hi, Melissa!Thank you for stopping by and becoming my newest follower! Hope you are enjoyng the A-Z Challenge!

    Your response is interesting! I've experience the block and when musing takes place its like a window opened up and let in novelty!

  3. I know my muse has been at work when I create something and later wonder how in the world I did it!

    Have you seen the video from Elizabeth Gilbert that refers to our genius? I think genius and muse are the same.

    Great post! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog, too.

  4. Thanks for sharing the link, Janet! I will definetly take a look! Really appreciate your input!

  5. A thoughtful and a musing post. Like your writing.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

    1. Well thank you Rob-bear! Really appreciate the compliment and comments! Blessings to you also!

  6. I like this idea that writing takes you beyond yourself and your conscious mind, I'm gradually figuring out how to not be too self-conscious and see where the muse takes me :)

  7. I like it also! It can be highly be appreciated! I like your response
    of not being too self-conscious and seeing where the muse takes you!

    Thanks for the visit to my blog!
